Benefits - digitalML

3 Attainable Steps to Realize API Benefits

ignite provides a better way to catalog, manage, and drive value from your entire API landscape. Here’s the milestones and benefits you can expect along the way.

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How ignite Works

Unify Your API Framework in 3
Simple Steps

ignite is the only API catalog, portal, and lifecycle management solution built for large enterprises that gives you comprehensive visibility and control over every API in your ecosystem through a simple 3-step process.


Connected Catalog and Reportable Baseline

Catalog connected to and harvesting from repos and runtimes for automated catalog population of all APIs (of all types, protocols, across all environments

APIs organized against business capability and/or industry models

APIs abstracted into technology agnostic format

APIs aligned to enterprise governance model

  • Single view across all runtimes
  • Security risks identified
  • Most popular APIs identified across all runtimes
  • Target curation candidates
  • Target APIs to migrate to different runtimes
  • Possible redundant and duplicate APIs identified
  • Understand API portfolio maturity with coverage reporting against business taxonomies
  • API lineage and change impact demystified

API Curation and Socialization

Curation candidates confirmed. Use guardrails provided by ignite’s automated and flexible governance to add metadata and curate for API reuse

Deploy to Consumer Portals and promote for adoption

Synchronize curated API versions with repos and runtimes

Consumers can find, reuse, and consume reliable APIs

  • Gold standard APIs exposed to wider community/Promotion and socialization challenges removed

    • Tailored views of catalog for consumption (e.g. internal consumer, partner, public)
    • Self-service adoption; consumers can easily discover, evaluate, and onboard APIs
    • Developers encouraged to reuse rather than build duplicates
    • Partners and Business users able to leverage business capabilities provided by APIs as part of API economy
    • API Product managers can market your best APIs
  • Increased business revenue opportunities
  • Increased efficiency and cost saving across developer community
  • Increased speed to market

Ongoing Extended Lifecycle Management Across a Complex Environment

Scaled, transparent, and optimized API lifecycle extended beyond creation of APIs, to include lifecycle implications of multiple consumers using APIs across multiple runtimes

Redundant and duplicate APIs and security risks safely retired on an ongoing basis

Change requests, updates, and new functionality managed in a well-governed way that doesn’t affect production services or consumers

Portability of API environment. Easy to deploy to different runtimes and gateways. Easy to migrate from one type to another (e.g. Soap to Rest, Rest to GraphQL)

Standard patterns are baked into the process making development and execution of APIs consistent and reliable.

Consistent deploy

  • Runtime savings fully explored

    • API portability across multi cloud and hybrid cloud to take advantage of best price plans
    • System in place to retire zombie APIs
  • Decreased security and developer costs

    • Reduced API utilization support by up to 80%
    • Reduced API provisioning time by up to 90%
    • 100% of redundant and duplicate APIs eliminated
  • Enterprise KPI and success metrics tracked
  • Flexibility and responsiveness
  • Repeatable lifecycle management for all API types and technologies both now and in the future
  • API lifecycle management extended to also cover consumption management (e.g. change management)
  • Cross-functional API ecosystem enabling self-service innovation


Dig into the details. Learn how our customers use ignite to deliver tangible business and technical value from their API programs, and how they’ve improved the quality and reusability of APIs across their enterprise.

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