IDC Technology Spotlight | Digital Transformation Success Requires an API-Centric Approach - digitalML

IDC Technology Spotlight | Digital Transformation Success Requires an API-Centric Approach

IDC Technology Spotlight | Digital Transformation Success Requires an API-Centric Approach

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Are you digitally determined or digitally distraught?

IDC’s research shows the majority of business leaders do not believe they have a comprehensive tactical technology plan for how to achieve their digital business capability objectives.  Without the broader leadership having an appreciation for digital process priorities and the corresponding technologies and modalities necessary for “being digital,” strategies cannot be effectively implemented nor benefits ultimately realized. In fact, their research shows that less than 4% of global enterprise organizations have successfully created scalable digital competencies that operate with agility at speed.

So how do you get there?

In this study, IDC’s Shawn Fitzgerald, Research Director, Digital Transformation Strategies discusses:

  • The qualities digitally determined organizations share and the value they are able to realize
  • How APIs power and scale digital platforms
  • And how APIs advance the digitally determined
  • Along with a consideration of digitalML and the ignite platform’s support of enabling digitally determined organizations to realize digital leadership
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