First it was APIs, then the focus moved to becoming API First, but now APIs are not your only assets.
Listen to a 30 minute conversation with digitalML’s CEO, Jeremy Sindall and CTO, Sayee Bapatla as they have a conversation around the vision of large enterprises, the path to get there, where connected catalogs vs dev portals and marketplaces fit in, and examples from leaders on what frameworks they’re building.
Your company is dependent on a lot — enterprise application and data sources, cloud and on-prem application environments, and an expanding cast of runtime integration options. This also means a thousand assets (APIs, Services, Events, Messages, and data) that are provided, consumed, changed, bundled, forgotten about, audited, relied on to respond to business priorities.
Working with some of the largest global enterprises we have created a faster path to towards becoming a connected enterprise and being able to say yes to more.
Learn how a connected catalog is the solution to:
Visibility of integration assets available – the view of coverage and gaps, what is good and bad, and how to quickly improve the assets and the scalable practice
Speed – for consuming developers; quickly find and consume what they’re looking for and – for providers; reliably design and deploy new assets. *Added benefit of decentralized governance, standards, policies, feedback baked into a full lifecycle
Understand asset dependencies, track end-to-end lineage, know who provides/consumes functionality, and make targeted decisions on roadmap and changes – from API → microservice → runtime → application
Create portfolio of abstracted consistent designs with reliable integration interfaces – the enterprise needs flexibility and scale on integration flavors, industry standards, changing organization and vendor structures.

Sayee Bapatla, digitalML CTO
Sayee Bapatla brings over 25 years’ worth of experience in Investment Management and Banking platforms, having previously worked for large banks on their technology architecture and digital strategy. Bapatla most recently served as Chief Architect at Wells Fargo and has held senior management roles at Bank of New York Mellon, TD Ameritrade, JP Morgan Chase, and Citi Group.d

Jeremy Sindall, digitalML CEO
Jeremy Sindall founded digitalML in 2000 when he undertook the challenge to build a new type of post .com era enterprise software company that focused on the unique needs of large enterprises. Sindall has lead digitalML to become instrumental to the transformation of some of the largest enterprises in the world by leveraging a portfolio of business-led APIs and Services.